Miracle Brand Light Products
The Light Capture Unit (top and front view)
Light Capture Unit (back view)
Light Capture Unit Instructions (on back of packaging)
Rainbow in a can (front view)
Rainbow in a can (back view)
Rainbow in a can (label design)
Here's how these ideas evolved in my journal. I do have 28 other pages of ideas but most were really lame ones.
I created the light play cage but it turned into a cat toy...
Core Studies Unit Description
"Core Studies in Fine Art and Design is an introduction to fundamental themes, concepts and principals common to Art and Design practice. You will find that Core Studies compliments studio majors by developing a common formal language and conceptual framework between all visual art and design disciplines. Core Studies focuses on successful ways to develop any Art and Design project and encourages you to use a wide variety of different media and methods to explore these processes." (Page 2, Unit Outline: FSA111 Core Studies in Art and Design 1A 2011)
I love it :)